Spring forward in April
This past Sunday, I and a few other EQAT members attended The People’s Forum – a nonpartisan candidate forum hosted by Alliance for a Just Philadelphia and MLK D.A.R.E. Coalition.
The energy in Congregation Rodeph Shalom Synagogue was electric. In those short two hours, we as community members were able to engage in true political discourse – where about half of the Philadelphia City Council at-large candidates got the opportunity to just listen to the issues that impact us. From decriminalizing schools to community control of land to energy justice, each candidate was tasked with either making just policy commitments or publically admitting that their priorities do not lie with “the people”.
As we approach the primaries, EQAT is committed to raising green jobs & justice as an issue in this election cycle. Our politicians must include PECO in their plan for a sustainable and economically just Philadelphia. This April, as spring slowly starts to heat up, I hope that you will join us as we increase our pressure on PECO though pushing politicians and Exelon.
We hope to see you at an upcoming event!