Vanguard S.O.S.
Photo by Rachael Warriner

Photo by Amazon Watch
Based in Philadelphia suburb Malvern, PA, Vanguard is the second largest investor in the world, managing about $9 trillion on behalf of tens of millions of clients. It’s also the world’s largest investor in fossil fuels. Vanguard’s investments prop up the industries destroying our climate and harming our communities.
How does Vanguard drive climate chaos?
Vanguard has built its business on peoples’ retirement, but its investments are destroying the future now.
However, it’s not too late to change course.
If Vanguard leadership decides to take bold action and Vanguard customers hold the asset manager accountable, we can ensure that we’re leaving a livable future for our communities and generations to come.
Around the world, activists are pushing Big Finance to take responsibility for its part in climate destruction by stopping the money pipeline. We have a long way to go, but the wins we’ve seen so far show that change in fossil fuel finance is possible despite what financial leaders have said for decades. Vanguard has no excuses left.
It’s time for Vanguard to deal with its climate problem. Vanguard must stop pouring money into the industries destroying our environment and driving human rights abuses and start using its massive power to push for climate action across the global economy.

Photo by Rachael Warriner