
Photo by Rachael Warriner

  • What cosplaying as a superhero at a climate action taught me about power

    What cosplaying as a superhero at a climate action taught me about power

    By Gabija K., Earth Quaker Action Team volunteer November 6th, the day after the 2024 presidential election, was like any other day this fall – in the sense that I wondered where the rain went. October had come and gone, but the dry spell that started on September 30th persisted. I, like many Americans, spent…


  • What I feel and what I believe

    What I feel and what I believe

    I was on the trolley, which, in the neighborhoods of Philadelphia in which it runs, serves as a kind of public square – a place to see neighbors and fellow citizens of the city and catch bits and pieces of what others are talking about that day. The person sitting behind me was on the…


  • The dangerous consequences of Vanguard’s investment choices haunt most every community

    The dangerous consequences of Vanguard’s investment choices haunt most every community

    By Amy Covill This fall, we held a national coordinated day of action calling on Vanguard – the world’s largest investor in fossil fuels – to start investing for a livable future. From Pennsylvania to Arizona, from North Carolina to Wisconsin, and beyond, over 150 people across the country showed up. Youth, elders, community advocates,…


  • Reaching 1 million listeners

    Reaching 1 million listeners

    We’re excited to share that EQAT has been featured in an episode of the national radio show, Reveal, produced by the Center for Investigative Reporting and aired on NPR stations. The episode is a deep dive into Vanguard’s choices to invest the savings of its tens of millions of customers in destructive fossil fuel projects. The show…


  • Where we’ve been and where we’re going

    Where we’ve been and where we’re going

    As I think back to what we accomplished this summer, I’m so proud to have rallied, marched, and held space with so many of you for the largest climate change and environmental justice protest ever at Vanguard.  We were there to say that Vanguard, as the world’s largest investor in fossil fuels, has a responsibility to…


  • The seamless integration of strategy, Spirit, and creativity

    The seamless integration of strategy, Spirit, and creativity

    By Lisa Graustein Friend of Earth Quaker Action Team Writing from Neponset Band of the Massachusetts/Boston Last month, people from across the country – elders, youth, Vanguard customers, and people of faith – gathered in nonviolent direct action at the global headquarters of Vanguard in Pennsylvania. We were there to say that we need Vanguard to…