Faith in the Future: People-Power moves PECO’s first step. 

Faith in the Future: People-Power moves PECO’s first step. 

Today in the early morning light, I headed over to a small interfaith breakfast with Bernie Sanders. Electoral politics is not where I focus my political energy, but I’ve been inspired by the crowds of people standing up against corporate greed and for human dignity. This morning was no different, by the time Senator Sanders entered…

Philadelphians Support Renewable Energy and Green Jobs.

Philadelphians Support Renewable Energy and Green Jobs.

by Samantha Shain Okay, I’ll admit it… I didn’t wake up in the best mood today, certainly not my springiest, energized or most extroverted self.  But I grabbed my green EQAT-emblazoned t-shirt that was strewn across my dresser and I greeted a minivan full of fellow Earth Quakers anyway.  And I’m so glad I did!…

Say “Yes!” to Local Jobs

Say “Yes!” to Local Jobs

by Dana Robinson “Give people in Philadelphia’s neighborhoods a reason to say yes!” said community organizer John Bowie at yesterday’s Teach-in. The moving lessons focused on the role of hope in surviving deep poverty, and the pressing need for opportunities. The pressure is building on PECO. Yesterday’s Teach-in was covered by two newspapers and our…

POWER unites with Power Local Green Jobs

POWER unites with Power Local Green Jobs

Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower and Rebuild (POWER) a multi-faith network of 60 congregations has come to the POWER LOCAL GREEN JOBS campaign, joining with a commitment to the long-term vision of local solar jobs. Our voices are multiplied many times by this large community deeply active for economic justice. POWER announced their adoption of this…

Where will PECO decide to create solar jobs? Here.

Where will PECO decide to create solar jobs? Here.

by Duncan Wright On March 2, more than 30 members of EQAT inspected the PECO headquarters on Market Street in Philadelphia. In this building- and nowhere else- executives will decide to create solar jobs in North Philadelphia, or not.  The action began with a briefing at the Unitarian church on Chestnut Street. There was a…

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