Bandaids Don’t Fix Climate Change (or Economic Injustice)
by Dana Robinson
As government representatives negotiate with each other in Paris today, 28 Earth Quakers were back at PECO’s headquarters today (the 5th time in three months) to tell them they need to scale up their efforts in a big way.
We took action to eliminate the threat to our climate and our communities by joining together in silent worship at the front entrance of PECO, Philadelphia’s electric utility. After each person spoke to their reasons for being there we taped 40 signs and two large banners to the windows of PECO’s lobby.
Corporate security came out telling us to stop taping things to their building, but we continued knowing we are rate-payers who paid for that building.
If we had just marched over to headquarters to tape up our signs it would have felt scary and naughty. But having each other’s words articulating the reasons being there today, and our ability to join wholeheartedly in sustained worship, Spirit gathered us together and made us strong.
We completed our action and left, Corporate Security rushed to remove the 40 signs and 2 banners, and everyone could feel they had done their job.
While Governments play a big role, corporations are going to need to make some big changes in how we operate. Despite their award-winning energy conservation program PECO’s current efforts at renewable energy are a Band-Aid. Are you listening, PECO?