EQAT Press Releases

Photo by Rachael Warriner

For interviews or questions, contact:

Eve Gutman, EQAT Media and Research Coordinator, eve@eqat.org
A person wearing glasses and a blue t-shirt speaks into a large microphone held by another person whose back is to the camera. In the distance, there's a crowd of people, some of which are holding signs or flags.
Photo by Joe Piette
  • Activists demand City Council “stop giving PECO a pass”

    PHILADELPHIA – On Tuesday morning, dozens of interfaith activists congregated at Philadelphia City Hall to demand that politicians stop giving PECO a pass on jobs and locally powered solar energy. At City Hall, speakers from POWER and EQAT argued that…

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  • Interfaith groups declare dirty electricity a “crime,” call for justice at PECO

    PHILADELPHIA – On Wednesday morning, 50 interfaith activists declared PECO Headquarters a “crime scene,” citing PECO’s contributions to the dirty air stealing health, security, and economic opportunity from Philadelphians. The majority of the electricity distributed by PECO comes from burning…

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  • Faith & climate groups oppose PECO rate hike

    PHILADELPHIA – On Tuesday, PECO reached a settlement on a customer rate hike. PECO originally petitioned for a controversial 3% rate increase, but after contentious hearings around the region this new settlement will hit consumers with an average 1% increase…

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  • Power Local Green Jobs Banner Drop

    Philadelphia, PA – Today, grandparents, teachers and community members acting with Earth Quaker Action Team unfurled a banner saying “PECO: create solar jobs now!” on the Spring Garden bridge during rush hour. Ryan Leitner, campaign organizer with EQAT, had the…

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  • Community & climate groups oppose PECO rate hike

    Today, the PA Public Utility Commission is holding two public hearings in Philadelphia on a controversial rate hike plan filed by PECO at the end of March. The proposal would increase PECO’s revenues by $82 million per year by charging…

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  • Philadelphians condemn Exelon neglect of local green jobs

    WASHINGTON — Green jobs advocates frustrated with the apathy of Philadelphia’s utility PECO are taking their complaints to the big bosses. Their latest action brought them to D.C. to demand local solar electricity outside the shareholder meeting of utility giant…

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  • Foot-washing leads to arrests at interfaith solar jobs demonstration at PECO

    PHILADELPHIA — Foot-washing before Easter might be familiar in a church, but makes an unusual sight at an energy company like PECO, where 18 interfaith congregants were arrested today. The ritual benediction led to a peaceful occupation of the entryways…

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  • Clergy, mourners arrested at PECO calling for green jobs

    PHILADELPHIA — A solemn, black-clad procession of about 60 interfaith mourners arrived at PECO headquarters today, and seven left in handcuffs. The civil disobedience included prominent Philadelphia clergy members who want to see PECO spur green solar jobs to address…

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  • Youth and North Philly clergy demand green jobs and clean air from PECO

    PHILADELPHIA — They might be young, but they know PECO isn’t transitioning to clean energy fast enough to protect their future. Ten youth members of the Power Local Green Jobs campaign were barred entry to PECO today, but they negotiated…

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