EQAT Press Releases

Photo by Rachael Warriner

For interviews or questions, contact:

Eve Gutman, EQAT Media and Research Coordinator, eve@eqat.org
A person wearing glasses and a blue t-shirt speaks into a large microphone held by another person whose back is to the camera. In the distance, there's a crowd of people, some of which are holding signs or flags.
Photo by Joe Piette
  • Mennonites bring Ash Wednesday ritual to PECO

    PHILADELPHIA — On this Ash Wednesday, members of Germantown Mennonite Church decided to celebrate the annual ritual that begins Lent in a more challenging way: they visited electric utility PECO’s headquarters to pray for jobs and clean energy, and to…

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  • Quakers hold pray-in for PECO climate justice

    PHILADELPHIA — A group of 30 Quakers and others were ushered out of PECO headquarters where they held a pray-in today, calling for the company to get out of the business of climate destruction and to invest instead in local…

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  • PECO customers demand “Big Change” for green jobs

    PHILADELPHIA — At PECO’s headquarters today, customers lined up to pay just one penny toward their bills – symbolizing the company’s “small change” plans toward supporting the growing clean energy sector and cleaning up its carbon pollution. Green jobs campaigners…

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  • PA Solar for All Bill should live up to the name

    PHILADELPHIA — Today, PA Rep. Donna Bullock (D-Philadelphia) is announcing her introduction of “PA Solar for All,” a bill that would bring utility-owned solar energy to some low-income customers in the state. “The Power Local Green Jobs campaign applauds Rep.…

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  • Green jobs campaign leaves message for energy trade group

    ALLENTOWN, PA – The Power Local Green Jobs campaign infiltrated the conference room for a committee meeting of the Energy Association of Pennsylvania in Allentown today. The green jobs advocates planted flyers calling out the failures of PECO CEO Craig…

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  • Electric utilities implicated in climate change denial

    Philadelphia, PA — A new report released by the watchdog Energy and Policy Institute this week has revealed that electric utilities clearly understood the impacts of climate change 30 years ago. Philadelphia utility PECO is represented by the Edison Electric Institute, which is shown by…

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