A person wearing a superhero mask and cape stands outside, in front of a few other people in masks and capes holding signs, and speaks into a microphone.

What cosplaying as a superhero at a climate action taught me about power

By Gabija K., Earth Quaker Action Team volunteer November 6th, the day after the 2024 presidential election, was like any other day this fall – in the sense that I wondered where the rain went. October had come and gone, but the dry spell that started on September 30th persisted. I, like many Americans, spent…

Large piles of felled trees alongside a road, with low mountains in the background

The dangerous consequences of Vanguard’s investment choices haunt most every community

By Amy Covill This fall, we held a national coordinated day of action calling on Vanguard – the world’s largest investor in fossil fuels – to start investing for a livable future. From Pennsylvania to Arizona, from North Carolina to Wisconsin, and beyond, over 150 people across the country showed up. Youth, elders, community advocates,…

A teal green and orange beige clay vase with two handles sits outside on grass

The seamless integration of strategy, Spirit, and creativity

By Lisa Graustein Friend of Earth Quaker Action Team Writing from Neponset Band of the Massachusetts/Boston Last month, people from across the country – elders, youth, Vanguard customers, and people of faith – gathered in nonviolent direct action at the global headquarters of Vanguard in Pennsylvania. We were there to say that we need Vanguard to…

A person in a white long sleeve shirt and jean shorts stands outside, facing left, and speaks into a microphone. Beyond them, there are at least a dozen people holding banners and signs, including a large red banner with white text that says "Vanguard invests in climate destruction."

Finding an outlet for my commitment to environmental justice

By Emily Kerimian Before my sophomore year at college, I considered myself a climate and social justice activist, but I had never heard of environmental justice. Following my semester in an Environmental Justice class, where I learned about how polluting industries are often purposely placed in Black and Indigenous communities, which then have to defend…

Seven people stand across three lanes of road, holding large red and white banners with white text

Vanguard, It’s Time for an Intervention: Escalating the Vanguard Campaign

By Hans Peters The morning felt chilly and fresh as I boarded the 6:19am train for the long ride from Somerton to Paoli. I was on my way to a bold, four-pronged action planned by EQAT and our partners in the struggle to get Vanguard to steer away from fossil fuel investments. This action was…

We Went to Tim Buckley’s Home and We Prayed for Him

We Went to Tim Buckley’s Home and We Prayed for Him

By Betsy Torg In hope, in prayer, we find ourselves hereIn hope, in prayer, we’re right here Tim Buckley is the CEO of Vanguard, one of the world’s largest investment management firms. Vanguard holds about $300 billion invested in fossil fuels, with about $101 billion invested in coal. As such, he has incredible power and…

Vanguard Investments’ Points of Destruction

Vanguard Investments’ Points of Destruction

By Dana Robinson Over the years, I encountered so many positive references to INVESTING in our communities, in our infrastructure, in our future, in research, in our children, etc. that I developed a vague, unreflective feeling of trust in the corporations that handle investments in our economy.  Then EQAT organized a “points of destruction” tour…

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